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1. General

1.1 History

The Cactus Site was originally created in August 1997 to cover themes related to Linux and its use in a greek environment. The original pages were targeted to greek users, so they were written in greek.

However, as I have to deal with problems that may interest other people around the Net, I decided to change the way subjects are presented.

First of all, the main pages and pages covering subjects non greek-specific are now written in english. Greek subjects will stil be in greek and can be found at the Hellenic Experiences.

Second, I changed the structure and look'n'feel of the site to make it more functional.

1.2 Developers

Panayotis Vryonis.

Panayotis ( vrypan@hol.gr) is responsible for nearly everything so far; page design, articles, administration.

He is 24 years old. He is now studing Mathematics at the University of Athens. He likes traveling, reading, eating. He would like to play more often football and basketball. He admits he spents much of his time over his computer...

Anna Vryonis.

Anna is 22 years old. She is studing Computer Graphics. She is responsible for the icons used in this site.

1.3 Icons

The icons used in the Cactus Site are created by Anna Vryonis. You are free to use them in any way (web pages, programs, documents, etc.) provided that you mention the origin and drop a short notice to Panayotis Vryonis.

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