
Lilina 0.5.2 is out. Changes/enhancements include better date handling (even for dateless feeds) and opml import/export. HTTP authentication has been droped for session based authentication so that it works nice with php as CGI. Other minor changes and bug fixes too!

I’d really like to see some alternative CSS… Any suggestions?

BTW, if you are using lilina, please post here, including your lilina instalation URL!

  • Posted on 2004-12-05 15:12
  • under Uncategorized and tagged as .
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18 Responses to lilina-0.5.2

  1. Guest says:

    Wanted to mention I just tried it out, but am having problems with the session-based auth. (Error as follows: [Sun Dec 5 21:17:11 2004] [error] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function: session_start() in /usr/local/www/data-dist/lilina/inc/sessionauth.php on line 9)
    I’m running FreeBSD-STABLE with Apache 1.3x and mod_php4-4.3.8. Any ideas/suggestions? I really like this concept, and hope to get this installed and working…

  2. Ippy-chan says:

    I have been using lilina for a few weeks and I have to say that I like it, my installation url as you might have seen it is located at and I just recently upgraded to lilina 0.5.2.

    I have a question and a bug report though. First of all I don’t know how the dateless feeds is working, because it seems that all the feed items without a date/time always stay at top for some reason, is this supposed to happen?

    And a bit of a bug problem, with your new opml.xml feature, when the site’s feed title has an ampersand the feed will choke:

    And that’s about it, thank you a lot for lilina!

  3. Panayotis says:

    Replace line 6 in inc/mk_opnl.php with:

    $out .= ‘<outline text=”‘ . str_replace(“&”,”&amp;”,$rss->channel['title']) . ‘” htmlURL=”‘ . $rss->channel['link'] . ‘” xmlURL=”‘ . $data['feeds'][$i] . ‘” />’ . “n” ;

    This should fix this problem…

  4. pawa says:

    How are about multi language support?
    When I use lilina 0.5, I can modify index.php by adding encoding comment on top the page.
    In lilina 0.5.2 I can’t fix wrong character encode problem.
    btw, I’m not familiar with php.
    Hope you can point to me how can I fix that problem.

  5. Panayotis says:

    Actually, there is multi-language support (it is included in MagpieRSS 0.7). Do the feeds you parse define the “encoding” they use (unless they are UTF-8 which should work anyway).

  6. Ippy-chan says:

    Oi Panayotis. I did replace the line but it wasn’t fixed, anyway, it’s not really important, so I will wait until the next release.


  7. Roch Smith says:


    It looks like Lilina doesn’t like a ~ in an RSS URL. It causes a blank page to display when such a feed is included in the feed file. When I remove such URLs, everything works fine.

    Is their a way to work around this? The ~ seems a common usage in Earthlink blog feeds. Here are the two I was trying to use:

  8. Roch Smith says:

    Hi Panayotis,

    I’ve already made this suggestion to you by e-mail, but I thought I’d repeat it here for public comment. I’d like more control over placement of the various components on the page. For example, it would be nice to be able to move the toolbar down a little so that I can put a customized header above it, position the “sources” within a table for relative positioning instead of absolute positioning, etc. Ideally, this would mean that there would be a segment of code each representing the feeds, the toolbars and the sources that could each be placed anywhere on the page within HTML table or div tags. That would be ideal.

  9. a-giĆ¢u says:

    I use Magpie but have yet to try out Lilina. I wonder if anyone’s interested in generating a combined feed, as Planet does?

  10. Jeff Schoby says:

    Nice little script. I was looking for something to aggregate some atom/rss feeds so I could read them with my treo 650 when out and about. Unfortunately, the Blazer web browser doesn’t know how to display .ico files. I’d like to suggest pehaps converting the .ico file you grab to a .png or .gif and linking those in?

  11. Jeff Schoby says:

    Oh…forgot to post my install uri

  12. Roch says:

    I have another request. How about a means of handling a feed that doesn’t have titles?

  13. Roch says:

    How do I configure the age of cached items? I have

    var $MAX_AGE = 3600;

    in, yet the feed seems to be fetching items no newer than 2 hours old. Is it a cache configuration or something else?

  14. Roch says:

    CORRECTION. It’s not as it appears. I think the cache is being refreshed properly, but the times displayed by each post are an hour behind. 14.25 is displayed as 13.25. Suggestions?

  15. Panayotis says:

    What is the time of the server hosting your site?

  16. Roch says:

    “What is the time of the server hosting your site?”

    D’uh. I figured it out. Sorry.

  17. Mohan says:

    I understand its an open source and much help is not available. However, I have implemented Lilina in the above site. I am not able to get titles in the appropriate language. It appears as junk. I have edited the index.php with charset utf-8. Still its the same. Any advice?

  18. Panayotis says:

    I no longer maintain lilina, but other developers have taken over and are doing a great job. Please visit the project’s forums and ask any questions there.