Google Homepage API

Google released their Google Homepage API. At first I just bookmarked it -one more cute feature.

Then I realized what a groundbraking idea this is. What Google is actually saying is: Use our engine, build your app and we will host it. They call these small applications “modules”, and that’s exactly what they are: application modules written in javascript that can take advantage of Google’s underlying engine. The API provides personalization and an abstraction layer for asynchronous HTTP requests. You may host your code at your server or in Google Base (the new “storage area”?)

It is not something groundbraking from a technological perspective. But, given Google’s reach I expect to see interesting applications written fro this “platform”. Applications that may turn user’s browsers more than ever into “virtual desktops”.

2 Responses to Google Homepage API

  1. Isn’t this similar to [Yahoo! Widgets](

  2. Panayotis says:

    Yahoo! widgets run outside your browser. Google’ Homepage modules run in your browser.