The “Personal Mall” Concept

Yesterday I set up Things I Bought, which is what I call a “personal mall”. A personal mall is a personal website presenting items the owner (or blogger) actually bought and used. Those things may be diverse in a way: books, gadgets, t-shirts, you name it. On the other hand, they are the items bought by a certain person, which means that people of similar interests may possibly like them too.

You could say that this is not something new, sites like gizmodo exist for a while. But the editors of such sites rarely BUY the things they review. This is why they may review things that cost $20.000 -do not expect to see anything like this at Things I Bought!

Opening an account at Commission Junction, Amazon and other on-line shops with affiliate programs is easy (plus you get the commision when you buy things!), then open an account at Blogger, and your private mall is up and running!

I expect to see more bloggers opening “personal malls”.

Remember you read it here first! :-)

2 Responses to The “Personal Mall” Concept

  1. Pingback: Dimitris Giannitsaros - Blog

  2. says:

    Interesting! I was actually thinking of a business idea based on an idea like this. Though instead of “personal mall” I was thinking more along the lines of “personal bookshelf.” You could indicate what books you’re reading, review them and so on. There’d be a link to buy the book, and I’d get the referral bonus.

    Perhaps I’m thinking too small. Also = perhaps there needs to be a mechanism to share the referral bonus between the reviewer and the mall provider.

    Cubicle Coder (